“The top four implementation barriers for organizations overall are cost (37%), security (37%), lack of expertise (36%) and poor understanding of benefits (35%).”
In the IoT projects we encounter, we see all kinds of mistakes, but a poor understanding of the benefits is the top one. We find companies not being able to see the benefits in a different perspective or business model. It’s our job then to take them back to the drawing board and help them open up their mind.
Another one of the challenges with IoT projects is that people get so hung up on the wrong part of the device-value that they kill a project in its infancy. Quite often that last bit of savings, you squeezed out of your hardware cost, limits the life-span of your devices and hence it’s long term value. When you are getting started in IoT, there will be so much more you will want to do with that device one year from now, which you never thought off today. Or it could simply be that the next security update needs that extra bit of power which renders your device
Have us over for a coffee and see if we can help you achieve your plans! Contact us.
Full report available via https://iotbusinessnews.com/2019/06/18/19375-study-shows-most-companies-have-iot-plans-but-arent-sure-how-to-achieve-them/
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